Friday, October 16, 2009

The single digit countdown has begun...8.5 weeks to go!

The other day hubs and I went to a wedding, and during supper we were seated at a table with a family that had a 7 week old baby girl. At this point it's obviously easy to see that I'm preggers, and after asking me all asorts of questions like "When are you due?" and "Is this your first?", they asked if I wanted to hold the baby girl. I jumped at the chance of course - she was absolutely adorable, and I can count on one hand how often I've held an infant in my lifetime.

So she's handed to me, and I'm looking at her tiny fingers, tiny little nose, cute ears, gorgeous eyes, and then it hits just under 2 months, I 'll have a baby of my own. Oh.My.God. Suddenly I got nervous and even a little scared - the little girl must have sensed it, cause she started to squirm and whine, so I lifted her up a little more, made some funny noises, got her to smile, and all was well again. Crisis averted...for about 5 more minutes - then no noises, faces, or bouncing could stop the crying, and I passed her off to her family. Phew! That wasn't so bad...only that I won't be able to do that with our son.

So I'm hoping that my Mommy Instincts will kick in once our little one arrives, cause everything I've read and learned so far didn't help me at all when the little baby girl suddenly started to cry.

But despite the nervousness, and even the fear and apprehension of having our own baby, I also cannot wait till he gets here. I like being pregnant, and LOVE feeling his little feet kicking, and all the movement in my belly, but at the same time I'm also looking forward to not having pelvic pain, sore ribs, peeing every 5 minutes, and the latest finding: elevated blood sugar. So now I'm being sent for more tests and have to watch my sugar intake - I already miss cake!!!

Luckily baby turned exactly 2 weeks ago, and is now head down, and in a good position for a vaginal birth, so I'm crossing my fingers for a smooth waterbirth when the time comes.

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