In the end the breeder that we first found on Kijiji no longer had the puppy that hubs and I both wanted. I did however decide to look just one more time yesterday morning, to see if there were any other puppies for sale anywhere, and low and hold we found an ad by a breeder from out in Avonmore, and they had 1 black and white puppy left, with the most amazing blue eyes.
I immediately emailed them, and asked them if Mays and I could come by after work to take a look at the puppy. They told us to come on by, so Mays picked me up right after work, and we headed out. To make a long story short, we fell in love with the puppy, and we both thought the family was so great, and we can't wait to bring the little guy back for occasional visits.
So without further ado, here's Koda, our newest little family member, with his now big sister Micah. They hit if off right off the batt, and even slept without a sound cuddled up together last night. I was truly amazed - I expected some homesickness, maybe a little jealousy on Micah's part that she now had to share everything, but to my amazaement, Koda even stole Micah's bone and rope toy, and she didn't blink an eye.
So here are our two beautiful fur kids:

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