The weather seems to be getting lousier, and tomorrow's forecast of a HIGH of -34* CELSIUS (no, I'm not kidding), is making me want to pull my blanket higher when the alarm goes off tomorrow, and to hibernate in the house till the deep freeze passes our city. Yuck!
On a good note, today's boredom left me longing for things to accomplish, so I finally ordered our diningroom chandalier, which should be here sometime next week. I'm still somewhat shocked at the $38US shipping charge that they dinged me with, but it's nevertheless still chepaer than driving to Massena myself. Oh well. I'll be checking my mailbox every night for the parcel note the mailman leaves us when we have a box to pick up, and I promise to post a pic of it in our diningroom, as soon as I've hounded hubs long enough for him to finally give in and install it!
Speaking of hubs - he's long been complaining about no longer having his baseball hat. He used to have this beat-up looking brown Chevy hat, that I swear never saw soap in its lifetime. Sometime last summer it went missing in action (I swear I had nothing to do with it - I have bigger battles to fight). So I was browsing eBay the other day, and figured maybe I should see what I could find on there. He is a pretty amazing guy, and I thought he deserves a little "just because I love you" gift. So to go with the new Ford Truck we just bought, I ordered him a Ford hat.
It's the beat-up look he so loves, says "Ford" in front (hubs is a Ford man for life), and says "Ford Trucks" in the back. How much more fitting could it be?
Here it is:

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